3 Ways To Support Healthy Vision and Why You Should


When it comes to your health, it is often easier and less costly to support healthy systems than fix broken ones. Your eyes are no exception to this pattern. Here you can learn why preventative vision care is important and what steps you can take to preserve healthy vision.

Why Preventative Vision Care Is Important

Many people experience vision problems as they age. While some conditions are accepted as normal, others can be serious, possibly leading to blindness. Luckily, routine eye care, such as annual exams and screening for diseases, can help you to spot problems before they become unmanageable. Some common reasons you should be concerned about preventative eye care include the following:

  • To catch eye problems before they become advanced
  • To screen for common eye diseases
  • To update prescriptions for corrective lenses
  • To adjust any treatments as needed

3 Ways To Support Eye Health

1. Wear Your Glasses

If you already have a prescription for corrective lenses, be sure to wear them. Failure to do so can cause your vision to deteriorate further. Additionally, poor vision can increase your risk of having an accident and getting injured.

Eyeglasses today come in many different styles, shapes, sizes and materials. So, you are sure to find a pair that fits your face and feel comfortable. Talk to your vision center to get help searching for something suitable.

2. Eat Foods That Promote Eye Health

The foods you eat play a large role in maintaining overall health. Some foods are better than others at supporting healthy vision. When it comes to eye health, these are among the best:

Berries — Berries are miniature nutritional powerhouses loaded with vitamins, minerals, fiber and flavonoids. Adding berry-powered antioxidants to your diet may help reduce dryness and lower your risk of developing some eye disorders.

Leafy Greens — Dark, leafy greens are chock full of fiber and carotenoids, which may help preserve night vision.

Apricots — These little fruits are packed full of vitamins E, C and A, which are thought to support vision and eye health. They also contain high levels of carotenoids and beta carotene, both believed to support night vision and help you adjust better to dark or poorly lit situations.

BananasBananas’ high potassium levels are excellent for individuals suffering from dry eye, since this nutrient is a major component of the protective tear film. Bananas also contain high levels of vitamin A, which supports healthy corneas.

Sweet Potatoes — Sweet potatoes are rich in fiber, beta-carotene and vitamin A. That combination makes them an excellent tool in the fight to preserve visual acuity.

Seafood — The Omega-3 fatty acids found in fish have been shown to help protect against cataracts and macular degeneration, rates of which increase with age. They may also help relieve symptoms associated with dry eye, such as dryness and itchiness.

Mushrooms — Mushrooms are considered to be anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and antibacterial. If that isn’t enough reason to turn to fungi, consider how Reishi mushroom spores helped support retainal health in this study.

Beans and Lentils — Legumes are excellent sources of protein that contain large amounts of zinc and bioflavonoids. Both compounds confer protective benefits to the retina and may help reduce your chances of developing eye diseases such as macular degeneration and cataracts.

3. Use Protective Gear

Your eyes are exposed to a variety of potential hazards each day. UV rays and debris are two of the most common. You should take steps to protect your eyes from these whenever possible.

  • UV Rays — The sun can cause damage to your eyes, especially if you don’t wear glasses with a protective UV film. Grab a high-quality pair of sunglasses whenever you go outdoors. They should block UVA and UVB light.
  • Debris— If you perform tasks that recommend protective eyewear, use it. You can order custom shatter-resistant lenses with your prescription or wear special glasses that fit over your existing ones.

Taking care of your vision before there are concerns may help you catch a serious condition early when it can be more easily treated. One way to care for your eyes is by eating foods rich in vitamins and minerals, such as sweet potatoes, leafy greens, and mushrooms. It is also important to get a routine eye exam, wear corrective lenses as prescribed and use protective glasses as needed.

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